Outlook crashes as soon as it's opened (Resolved) Investigating / Notice
24 days

Microsoft's latest update to Microsoft Outlook is causing issues on some workstations. Essentially, Outlook starts up and crashes immediately, and running it in safe mode or in an isolated/compatibility mode doesn't fix it (as it did in the past when this issue happened).

The only thing you can do if you experience this issue is to roll back the Microsoft update to the previous release. To do so, run a version of this command with paths appropriate to the way your workstation is configured.

"C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\ClickToRun\OfficeC2RClient.exe" /update user updatetoversion=16.0.12827.20470

For more information, and further troubleshooting in the wild, take a look at the following reddit thread:


This is a software issue with Microsoft and is not something under ExchangeDefender's control or ability to assist/fix, until Microsoft gets this repaired we are recommending either rolling Outlook back a version or using our LiveArchive or Outlook Web Access from your browser or mobile device.